bargain hotel deals

Bargain Hotel Deals

People may not think about it, but it takes a lot of time and energy to plan a vacation. You have to find a place to stay, a way to get there, places to eat, and things to do once you get there. All that can put a lot of stress on the planner, not to mention a big dent in the wallet. All these little things can add up quickly and your choices can make a big difference between a fun, memorable vacation or a miserable one, and that’s why searching for bargain hotel deals is the perfect place to start your planning. Saving money on your stay allows you to put that extra cash towards other important aspects of your trip. It may even allow you to spend a day at the spa or go on a shopping-spree at the outlets.

Finding a good deal on your hotel stay doesn’t mean that you have to give up on the quality of the place you’re staying, sometimes you can even find nicer places that you may not have ever considered, if you know where to look. Hotels and resorts are often left with unoccupied rooms and will offer steep discounts to customers instead of just letting the rooms stay empty. Also, as with our vacation promos, resorts are more than willing to provide upgrades on room accommodations or sometimes even give away free attraction passes in exchange for just two hours of your time to show off their property and amenities. Definitely a good trade worth considering if you want to save money and still have a great vacation.

These kind of bargain hotel deals with a resort preview works out well for everyone. First, the travelers that take advantage of these deals get to save a bunch of money, usually hundreds of dollars, and get to stay in great, upper-class accommodations and then second, the hosting property gets a chance to earn future repeat business and good word of mouth advertising. This type of advertising is by far the best form of advertising out there and brings in a lot of referral business. You may not realize it, but every time you post a picture of yourself having a good time at an event or you share a photo of your favorite dish at a restaurant or you tell your neighbor about the big sale that the mall is having and all the money you saved, you are helping that company promote their business, and that is HUGE for companies.

Finding bargain hotel deals is easy. You can start here on our website. StayPromo offers a wide variety of options for families and couples. There are great deals to Orlando, Myrtle Beach, Daytona, and more.  If you have any questions feel free to give us a call at 1 (888) 407-3849, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. You can also Like our StayPromo Facebook Fan Page and that will help you stay in the loop for any new promotions we get.